Movies I've Watched Recently

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Streets of Blood Review

Starring Val Kilmer and 50 Cent, a police drama portraying the crime that follows a disastrous natural disaster. After Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans, death and crime hit the streets harder than ever. A story about dirty cops trying to do right by the department standards, and the frequent butting in by the FBI and DEA, everyone is out to cover their own ass.

Throughout the abandoned streets and condemned buildings, drugs and money are in demand. With lots of fire power and lack of second thoughts of pulling a trigger, blood shed appears all around.

When the DA goes up against the PD things start getting heated. The handful of dirty cops are more interested in keeping their power on the streets and 'getting their rocks off', than they are following the law.

A great movie, action filled and a decent story line, you should either get it on NetFlix or pick it up the next time you are at your local video store ;)

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